Ok, so first of all I know I should be blogging about our first Easter with Lukas, right?!! I most certainly will do that tomorrow. I had promised a owl update so here goes. I know this is not an owl, but we also have a pair of Pileated woodpeckers nesting in the woods behind the house. They sure do make a LOT of noise.
I decided that I would check the archives and see what was happening in the box last year. One thing I will say is that after watching the goings on the last few years we were pretty sure we had eggs in the box. With the cameras last year and the books we have read we sort of feel like we know some of there behaviors. Prior to eggs, he would stay farther away from the nest in order not to draw any attention to it. Once there were eggs in the box he stays a little closer to protect the box. Here is a picture of Hootie preening in the box.
It was last year April 2nd that we first noticed a egg. Needless to say we were excited. It is a four week process from the time they lay an egg till it hatches. We were not sure the exact date she laid the eggs, and I said eggs because a few days later we saw a second egg.
This is after the hatching and she would sit like this wings out to protect the owlet. He must have just brought something for her to eat. You have to remember that all the happenings in the box were new to us so the commentary you hear should be forgiven. We were very excited to be able to watch and hear everything. If you listen closely you will also hear a little clicking sound. She made that noise whenever she would come or go from the nest. It seemed that the sound is made to make a connection to the owlets.
This is the video I took the other night. We were just settling in for the evening and we heard this through the windows. I wish it would warm up, as this spring has been quite cold and in the past we could have the windows open and heard more interaction. I went to the back door and decided to just hold the camera outside in hopes of hearing them again. This is the sound he makes when he has food to bring to the box. Please be patient as the sound is near the end.
Like I said earlier I will review the dvd's in hopes of bringing you more videos. I know I have some great shots and hopefully will be able to give you a little more insight into the owls behavior. We found it fascinating.
This is the video I took the other night. We were just settling in for the evening and we heard this through the windows. I wish it would warm up, as this spring has been quite cold and in the past we could have the windows open and heard more interaction. I went to the back door and decided to just hold the camera outside in hopes of hearing them again. This is the sound he makes when he has food to bring to the box. Please be patient as the sound is near the end.
Like I said earlier I will review the dvd's in hopes of bringing you more videos. I know I have some great shots and hopefully will be able to give you a little more insight into the owls behavior. We found it fascinating.
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