We could keep really busy now watching the owls most of the day. I am finding it difficult to take as many pictures as in the past, because over the last few years trees have grown and the camera wants to focus on the branches. I asked Dave if he would trim a few, but he is concerned about getting attacked. Imagine that! I still have a few places I can sit and watch and I will continue to take new pictures. Hootie sitting quite regally near the nest box. She is out of the box more than, in these days. I have been going through the archives and from the behavior we observed I think we are about a week ahead of last year. Dvd's dated the first week of May had her spending a lot more time in the box.
Dinner time in the box can be very interesting!! Hey, I think it is amazing to see what those little fellows can swollow. I hope you are too. I am sorry for those of you who many find it disturbing. I am including 2 videos of Percy and Ike learning the art of fine dining!
In this one you can see they are learning to peck around the box and just by chance one of them finds some leftovers. I remember when I first watched this I wondered how many wood chips could they eat before they get sick or choked. But, I had to remember they eat everything and anything. I have a few pellets if anyone wants proof!!
This one was really suprising to me. Watch the owlet in the lower left of the pic.......yep he is eating another bird. I was shocked when I first saw what it was. This is why I was conflicted about having the birdfeeder off the deck. I don't mind that they get bluejays and it is too bad they don't get rid of a few of those d#&% crows.
Last night we noticed that Blowfish was sitting right along the road in a tree, so camera in hand I went in search of a clear shot. Instead as I walked past the box I saw Hootie trying to stay dry and out of the rain.......she didn't quite get her whole tail in the box. :) Often as the owlets get bigger she takes longer to get settled in. She doesn't just fly in she stops at the door and steps in carefully. That is unless the nest is being threatened, then you would be amazed how fast she can get in!!!
I have to get somethings accomplished today, and will post more tomorrow. I will look up some video of the owlets having some fun in the nest box, so.......
I guess at this point I should say.....
I still remember when Dave built/hung the Owl Haven...so neat to follow along now! No Mr. Cheek pictures??