Ok, so I know I promised a owl update, but I haven't gotten around to checking the firelite for some of what was happening last year. I promise I will get on that right away! In other family news: My mom has a display at the library in Wayland on the traditions of Easter in Czechoslovakia. A number of years ago she and her brothers traveled there and brought back many interesting things.
How many people do you know that have a Barbie doll that has the native garb? She also has a Barbie book and a Disney book all in Czech.
Ok, so I know you wouldn't expect a blog that was Lukas-less. Amy's first week at work was not without it's challenges. Her sitter and her children were sick so Amy and Jesse had to scramble to find someone to watch Lukas. His Nana O came down one day and their wonderful neighbors, Joe and Sara watched him another. I went down this morning and watched him again,hhhhmmmm did I mind that?? He is getting better with tummy time and really gets that head up there. He rolled over many times but of course never when the camera was rolling!!

What a little ray of sunshine. He is such a happy boy!!
Here he is in his Bumpo chair again. As you can see he is a little happier in it than he was a few weeks ago. We carried on a great conversation and he was giggling up a storm. I know it doesn't look like it here. How much fun am I having?????
More updates coming soon, I promise. Happy Easter if i don't get to it before then.
What a little ray of sunshine. He is such a happy boy!!
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