And as you can see he is much loved by his g-ma because she allows a roly poly video of herself so you can see his cuteness!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Lukas is 4 months old!!!!
And as you can see he is much loved by his g-ma because she allows a roly poly video of herself so you can see his cuteness!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
On Saturday we headed to Vicksburg for some fun and some work. Jesse and Dave went for a long road ride and Sarah watched Lukas. I headed out to pick up some storm doors the kids had ordered, while poor Amy was a work. Once we were all together and had some lunch we put the boys to work putting up the doors. As you can see we women were pitching in!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Camping and catch up!
Now I think it needs to be said that Dave was bogarting the baby. After he and Jesse went for a trail ride, he wouldn't give him up for long. Here they are playing with a little stuffed...what else...owl.
At the campground I was discussing morels mushrooms with Amy's brother-in-law John. We have looked in the past around our woods and every so often we will find a few. But, not recently. So last night we were doing some owl hunting and were standing talking, a few minutes later I looked down and look what I saw. Seriously, I was shocked!!
I will end this blog with my favorite photo of the weekend. Grandpa and his favorite little man. Lukas found grandpa's beard fascinating and Dave obliged by letting Lukas play. Anybody who knows Dave will understand how cool this is.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Another day!!
From the sounds they are making and the size we are guessing this is Sophia and Blanche.
After 10pm last night all three owlets were screeching up a storm asking for food. Dave had gone to the garage to prepare his bike so he could ride to work and called me out. We turned off all the lights and stood listening to them. We also heard Hootie screeching (she has a trill at the end of her screech) letting Blowfish know he better get hunting. From the directions of the noise we could tell that Rose was still out front, Blanche or Sophia had moved closer to the house and the other was still down the drive. This morning I was able to spot 2 but could still hear all 3. Again thanks for your intrest and I would love to hear from anyone who may be reading this. You can comment at the end or send me an e-mail. Thanks!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
update 09
Monday, May 11, 2009
This morning ( Monday) I caught a glimpse of Hootie out the living room window making a quick stop on a branch...then off across the lawn. I went out the garage door and heard all 3 owlets screeching from 3 different directions, for breakfast. One of them was right above the basketball hoop in a large cherry tree. Hootie came by awhile later and as of about 10 minutes ago they are both still there.