So, yesterday I was going from the living room to the kitchen when something outside caught my eye. It happened to be Hootie sitting on a branch just off the deck window. Of course the camera was in the kitchen and I was sure she would see me and take off. I snuck around the other way and grabbed the camera. I was able to take both pics and videos. She dove down to the yard and then across the lawn sat in a lower branch. She then flew to the front of the house. I went to the garage and she was delivering food to one of the owlets. One more big mole gone.....many more to go!!
She came back to the same spot and sat for around 10 min. then moved to another tree behind the house. For those who know our yard it was right over the wood pile.
Here she is peeking around the tree.
Then the next surprise of the day! I was headed out the garage when I saw her flying across the front of the house. I looked out and she was on the flagpole. Of course the camera was in the house so I took a chance and went to get it. I came back out and quietly came around the back of the Jeep. I was surprised she was still there, and she let me stand there, not more that 20 feet from her.
She didn't even mind that I moved around in and stood in front of the garage. Very tolerant
On to the babies. They have all 3 staying near the house, in various trees. One is still right in front of the house and 2 in a tree across the driveway. This is the one in the front of the house and it was taken right after she had breakfast.

This is my attempt at being artsy.
All in all it was a busy day for the owls. I told Dave it was hard to accomplish anything as no matter where I wanted to go they were there doing something. This has been different than in the past...maybe they are just used to us .Owlets this close for so long is not the norm, but we will enjoy while we can. I am disappointed because I have some nice video and again blogspot will not upload. I sat here for about 15 min; it said it was processing and can do!!!! URRRGGGGGG!
This is the one across the drive. It is about 70 feet off the ground.
Wow Mary, it only gets better and better. How exciting and I love the artsy picture!