First, it has been too long since I included pictures of Lukas in the blog. You can never get enough Lukas. I know I had a video of him sitting the other day but, I just thought he was too cute here.
The other night was hair night at Sarah's (or night of beauty) whatever you want to call it!! No Jesse and Lukas did not participate but, they did come for a visit to watch the process. Actually they came up to get their trailer and some camping gear, but we made them watch. Aunt Sarah couldn't get her hands on him fast enough. And grandpa barely made it in the door before his hands were out for his turn.
Lukas has got to be one of the happiest little fellows. Before they headed back home he got changed and jammies on. He laughs and talks through the whole thing. He has 2 new learned behaviors. Finger sucking....which he works at very hard....and when he gets the wrong two fingers in the slurping noise is too funny. Amy said the other day he gagged himself he was sucking so hard. The other thing he is attempting is rasberry's. It is the cutest thing to see him doing this!!! I think he is quite satisfied in himself.
All together now!!!! AAAWWWWWWW!!!!!
OK so now the owls...... This morning Hootie was sitting in the same cherry tree in the front yard as one of the babies. It did not rain last night but for some reason she was really wet. We have seen her head wet when she has hunted in the white water rapids with waterfall (or creek) behind the house but she was soaked today?
Yesterday afternoon this was the owlet in the front yard. I am really happy that they have stayed around the house this year. Usually they moved around a lot more and were much harder to keep track of. This one has been in the same tree for this whole week and just moves from branch to branch.
Last night Dave heard the others screeching for dinner down the drive. He was surprised to see they had moved from the trees they were in had made there way closer to the house. And even better were doing it together. We have seen 2 owlets together before, but not this close or at this early stage. Last year when they were older we saw them playing together on the branches ( almost like playing tag).
FINALLY!!!!!! Took awhile but I was able to upload a video!!!! The clicking you hear was Dave attempting to communicate with the owls!!! Hey I told you we had cashews/issues!!
From the sounds they are making and the size we are guessing this is Sophia and Blanche.
And this is Rose.
Yesterday was really windy and we noticed that the owlets were smart enough to come down a little in the trees and also they seemed to have found branches that were a little more stable. This has not always been the case as we have watched them swinging and swaying on tiny branches 70 feet in the air over the driveway during some REALLY brutal winds. I told Dave it was because even though we don't know the sex, the fact they have girls names makes them smarter than in the past!!! :)
After 10pm last night all three owlets were screeching up a storm asking for food. Dave had gone to the garage to prepare his bike so he could ride to work and called me out. We turned off all the lights and stood listening to them. We also heard Hootie screeching (she has a trill at the end of her screech) letting Blowfish know he better get hunting. From the directions of the noise we could tell that Rose was still out front, Blanche or Sophia had moved closer to the house and the other was still down the drive. This morning I was able to spot 2 but could still hear all 3. Again thanks for your intrest and I would love to hear from anyone who may be reading this. You can comment at the end or send me an e-mail. Thanks!!
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