OK, so right now I am blogging from the owl watching chair. Too many things happening too fast to be in the house!! How cute this must look , me in a chair in my pj's, camera in front of me on a tripod and a computer in my lap. What a wonderful world this is!!! Hey, don't give me any grief you would all do it! For those who Love our Lukas as much as we do, I will follow this up with another Lukas blog.
First, this is one of the owlets deciding to try for the hole. We have decided to name them Rose, Sophia, and Blanche. OK, so Sarah came up with the names and I decided to go with it. So we will call this one Sophia. Since she was the spunky one on the Golden Girls.
What is out there????
It took a lot of effort but she finally made it. Now to see what all is out there.
Not so fast as Blanche has decided she also wants to give the outside world a try.
How do you fit 2 owlets in a 10 inch hole???
With a lot of effort.......
Whew, that was hard to watch. We are always waiting for the moment one of them falls.
Now for the important part of the story!
Lukas came for a visit yesterday and of course he was excited to meet the owls. OK ,so I know he doesn't look too excited here but I assure you he was!!!
The owlets were not putting on a very good show at the moment, but he continued to watch , what a little trooper.
When he got a little tired of watching owls he wanted to just chill. So grandma set him up with a very comfy spot.
Although these pictures were taken yesterday I wanted to give you a little update for the morning. I came out to find one of the owlets has left the box. She is currently sitting in a tree near the box and asking for some food. I would love to sit here and continue to take photos and blog but it looks very much like rain and I have a lot to grab and run if it should start....so I am packing it in for a few. Whoops, didn't quite make it, but don't worry no equiptment was damaged as it was just a light rain and I am faster that I look!?!?
And as you can see by what Lukas indicating is.......Peace out!!!!!
Gold star to Sarah for the names. And a gold star to you for posting these adorable pictures