Among Lukas' many friends is BLUE PUPPY!! I will say giving him a tour of the woods is much easier than taking T-rex!!! Today he was very attached to blue puppy so off we went!
First on the agenda was a stop to show him the water and a bug in the birdbath.....seriously what tour would be complete without this!!! :):)
Very important that blue pup got to smell the may apples (do they smell?)
He had to have his BIG saw along and he and pup went to work on the BIG stump!!!It should be noted that Blue Puppy is capable of doing a lot of these things by you can see he is holding the saw!! Lukas makes sure that he is included in everything!
and then he asked pup if he wanted to get a drink!!
Even though he was VERY careful blue puppy put one of his paws in the water......Lukas was VERY concerned so Gma had to wipe the mud off his paw!!
As you can see someone else may have gotten a little wet too!
Next he wanted to show puppy his swing set. While he was showing it to puppy he took off running towards the house....I asked where he was going....and the whole way to the house he was telling me. Of course he was going so fast and heading away from me that I didn't hear him....When he got just outside the garage he stopped..looked at me and said.." Gma I have to get my broom, go with me!!" So I went!!!.....and then back to the swing set we went...........
This boy is a hoot!!
He made sure that puppy was buckled up for safety!!
This boy is a hoot!!
Now that it was clean it was a chance to give puppy a ride!
He did however almost fall asleep while he was swinging a few minuted later!
Brace yourselves!!
Brace yourselves!!
When I tell you I LOVE this boy I mean I LOVE this boy, and as proof I post this next series of photos!!
EWWWwwwww!! I cringe to continue!
Look what he found!
Can you see it...there on the end of that stick!!
Can you see it...there on the end of that stick!!
YUP it is a MOTH....the most hated of creatures! Gross, fury, flitty,YUCKY, I could go on and on and on!!!
It made it's way onto blue puppy's nose...poor puppy!
And then to his ear! It was at this point that Lukas came to his senses and realized that he did not want that disgusting creature on his beloved BLUE PUPPY and wanted him off RIGHT NOW!! He flicked, and shook, and flicked and shook and he was hanging you know what that means.....DON"T YOU????
Again I say I LOVE THIS BOY!!!
Yes, I me!!!....removed that MOTH from blue puppy!! :)
HE STOMPED that thing to DEATH!!
He was fine till he realized that it was stuck to his we wiped him off in the grass.
END OF STORY!!! :) :)
We had to go to the pyramid to pick up Gpa, he was ready to walk right in!
and that is right where Gpa took him first!
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