Hello, I know you are glad to see I am back and stepping in to blog for Gma! I wanted to fill you in on all the adventures I had the other day while hanging out with the G's.
After my morning adventures (which I will fill you in on a little later) we headed outside to enjoy the nice weather! Trust me when I say they have been few and far between this spring!! Anyways one of the first things I found was a little owl feather just outside of the garage!!
Can you see it!!!???
We then headed over to the shed, because I LOVE looking at all of Gpa's tools and machines. I wanted to do a little raking with the old rake!
Hey, I am NO dummy!!!!
On the way to the woods I had to make a quick stop at the swing set to do a little flying!!!
Then it was off to the woods...Gma told me that this plant is called skunk cabbage..I don't like skunks!! Especially after my dog Schaff was sprayed last year!!
Here is one of 2 golf balls we found today alone...and I think the 4th one this spring. Must be someone near by is practicing!!
I found this plant...Gma says it is called a may apple but I think it looks just like an umbrella.
It was morning and there was a lot of dew on the leaves......well you can see what I did in this video!!
There was some fungus on this Jobie wood...but, Gma said it is not the same kind of fungus that you can eat!! Too bad because I really love me some of that fungus, called mushrooms, I am keeping my eyes open for some morels!!!
After a quick trip to the garage to get my flags, sometimes a kid just wants to carry his flags, you got a problem with that????
I did find another yellow flower in the woods and threw it in the creek to see it float away. It floated into a plastic bag hung up on a branch! There is a TON of debris in the creeks from upstream after all the rain we have had. In fact there is about a 6 ft.x2ft bridge that came from somewhere??? Gma said we have a lot of cleaning to do!!
Anyways we were in the side yard and I found a cool blue jay feather!
I can not even begin to tell you how intrigued I am byall the cool pipes around here. There is another cool yellow one down the driveway! This time I didn't see anything in it!
I did see some fuzzy bees flying around...Gma said they are called bumble bees....I like walking around and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....bzzzzzzzzzzzz...buzzzzing!!
A little later and we went back to the swing for some more flying!!
Gma wanted to go and get the mail and I started out taking my friend T-Rex for a walk with us, but he was getting a little tired so I let him watch us from the top of the hill!!
I did see some fuzzy bees flying around...Gma said they are called bumble bees....I like walking around and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....bzzzzzzzzzzzz...buzzzzing!!
While we were on this side of the house I also pointed out Gpa bat house to Gma, she asked me what lived in the bat house.......UMMMM REALLY Gma??? Duh, Der are BATS in der!!!
Don't worry I stopped about every 20 ft. to make sure he was OK and that NO one drove up the driveway!!!
On the way back up he suggested that I might like a ride! Gma tried to load a video of me having a ride but she couldn't get it to load so she said she will try later!!
On our walk I pointed out to Gma that the owl sign had come loose, and that Gpa was going to have to fix it. As soon as he got home I ran right to his truck and told him about it. He got out the screwdrivers and down the drive we headed. He tried to be very helpful, but I did have to pitch in so we could get the job done!! Thanks gpa, you gave it a real good effort!
I wanted to show Gpa some of the cool things I had found in the woods, I told him all about the stuff in the creek and I pointed out all the plants that I had learned the names of!
(side note from gma.....I was surprised as we were walking down the drive he stopped pointed at a plant and said...Dats garlic mustard right there!!)
Gpa pointed out something he called a wild onion......now let me tell you I LOVE onions. The other day Gma grilled some and I couldn't get them into my mouth fast enough! Well, I have to say these are not bad!! I think I had Gpa pull me about 3 of them!!
I ate them as fast as he could pull them......later Gma, aunt Ya and later mommy all said I had VERY stinky breath after this!! :) :)
Gpa did tell me that I can NOT pull plants by myself and eat them though, because not all of them are safe!!
Then I asked Gpa if we could go look at his tools in the shed. I really like the poky pitchfork,but I am not allowed to touch it. Gpa did let me help him use the loppers to help him trim one of the bushes...
.............and this BIG tree saw to trim a branch off the pine tree....it was fun, but I REALLY wanted to do it MYSELF!!!
What day would be complete without checking out Gpa's chainsaw.....it is REALLY sharp and I am only allowed to look with my eyes.... but I did sneak in a touch of the handle!!
I really LOVE these nice weather days. I should tell you that earlier in the day I got to see Gma and Gpas owls sitting in a tree right by the deck. And to top it off right after my nap I got to see 2 deer drinking by the creek....wow it was a busy day!!!
Gpa did tell me that I can NOT pull plants by myself and eat them though, because not all of them are safe!!
Closing note from Gma.....We had a great day and this boy amazes me all the time. He wants to know what everything is...what's this, what's that! After his nap we went out to the deck to see the deer. I asked him if he wanted to sit outside for a bit. He said yes, so I put him in a chair and told he to stay there while I went and got his jacket and shoes. When I came back and sat in another chair he said,"Do you want to talk about animals?"
I said sure what animals would you like to talk about.....?
His reply.....and I kid you not this is EXACTLY what he said
"How about we talk about dose baboons we saw at da zoo last time!!!"
We saw them last fall, and for him to put together that thought and whole sentence....wow!!
He sure makes me SMILE!!!
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