Time for an update on the owls!!! I know sounds like a news release!! So Hootie is spending almost all of the time outside the nest box guarding from a distance!
The reason she is out most of the time is that this little one needs his space!
Yup....seems that this year we have only 2....but that is good. These 2 make it #'s 13 and 14 for us!!! As of this moment we have not named them although we have been given many suggestions. We are down to 3 choices so it should be soon!!
We have been waiting to show someone special these little ones!
Come on what blog would be complete with out Lukas!!!
G-pa took him quietly down the driveway to get a closer look!
Lukas was very excited to see the owlet he has been hearing about up close and personal.. During the day he he asks about the owls all the time.
He took it all in with G-pa....watching them very intently!!
Asking G-pa all kinds of questions and pointing to the owlet...and when G-pa would answer his questions or tell him something he listened.....and without a doubt this is my new FAVORITE picture!!! Awwwww :)
While he was watching the owlets he spotted some garlic mustard....I swear you point out a plant to him and he remembers it the next time we are out.....he knows we have to pick and get rid of the nasty garlic mustard so he helped G-pa pull some plants.
Oh and in case you were concerned....yes, blue puppy helped!!
This little one sat patiently watching the action!
Keeping a close eye on us!!
When the owls lay the eggs it is at least a day apart, and when they hatch it is the same!! So, the next day look what we saw!!
You can't tell from this picture but it really was a nasty weather day. These 2 didn't seem to mind..they were just glad to be out of that box!!
At this rate I would expect them to try out those wings in a couple of days....they were already looking at the perch and reaching out with there talons!! We shall see!!
Stay tuned I will try and update more often!!....Don't hold your breath!!
And also a decision on the names!!!
Hi. My name is Linda Wessell and Tana is my 'sister'. She has told me about your owl adventures so I figured I should take a look. Your owlets are so fun.....wish I had them in my yard! Your grandson is pretty cute, too.