Last Friday G-pa was going to take his new boat out for an inaugural sail, and I got to go along!! We took the boat to Yankee Springs and I worked really hard to help him get it all set up!
And...yes I like tractors....Do you like tractors?
While we were walking on the beach he kept picking up all sorts of things in the sand.. I had to keep telling him that he can NOT be putting things in his mouth with out asking if it was safe first....Now I know what everyone went through with me when I was at that stage so long ago!!! Man this parenting thing is TOUGH!!!
I noticed some things laying on the shore and headed over! Gma said they were dead fish...I have seen my fair share of dead fish and I was not all that convinced!!! I asked Gma if I could touch them to make sure....... I'm inquisitive like that!!
Anyways, she suggested that I use a stick to touch them! I used a long one first, just to be sure!!
Then I moved to a smaller one!
Not to worry, I had extra dry shoes back at the trailer!
Aunt Ya was along and we were writing in the sand with sticks. I asked her to draw me a combine......COME ON....that is NO combine, it's a tractor, and then I had to point out that she didn't have a mower attachment either. So much for remedial drawing skills, but she tries!!!;)
I noticed that the wheels looked a little loose so I fixed them!!!
Dad and Gpa got a little sailing in and we had some lunch before Dad and I headed home to see Mommy.....I really missed her!
I'm thinking I may have to give Gpa hat wearing lessons sometime soon. I mean seriously if I am going to be spending time with him I can't have him looking like that!!!

Well that's it for this blog...stay tuned it looks to be a busy summer with a lot of fun this to tell you all about!! Bye for now!
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